Leave a comment and a rating on this video especially because it will let me know how well people liked it! I plan on keeping this series going for a very long time because Minecraft is a very fun game to play and I think ill enjoy making these videos and if you guys like it enough ill even make it a daily series Thanks for watching and be sure to check out my channel for more gaming videos! Follow me on Twitter! twitter.com Check out www.youtube.com for awesome controllers! Minecraft mine craft pc survival crafting sandbox walkthrough lets play open world 2d 3d playthrough gameplay commentary gawley cheatlikeachamp creeper texture pack diamond lava tutorial house building fortresscraft mods skins create explore game xbox 360 farm the minecraft project
Video Rating: 4 / 5
i know a cheat for saints row the third that will make your life better. in the cheats enter cheese.this will get you 100,000 dollars
its not a duck its a chicken
Just a tip.
Turning up you minecraft brightness makes it easier for your viewers see what’s going on when its dark better
The hoe is so you can plant seeds gawley
#minecraft newb!!!
@CensorDZN Oh really?
I never noticed…
Ever thought of that?
hey.. make it so your doors are on the outside of your house.. if a skeleton gets in that little door way he can shoot you while your in your house.. but if you make it so the doors are on the outside that cant happen. BTW love your vids
Gawley please respond to this. My birthday is in 8 days and I want to get a good gaming computer. So I can record and make videos. Can you tell me your specs or any good computers to get. So if you can respond to this thanks you. Good videos keep it up!
coal is more effective then planks btw
make more mine craft
Use coal to smelt items
Love the daily vids, great quality and your variety makes you a lot better than the hundreds of others commentators. Keep is up.
coal is fuel too and unrefined on top refined on lower part to get charcoal as fuel
your hoe is for farming it gets dirt ready
what kind of computer do u have gawly”
Put coal instead of wood in your furnace it doesn’t burn as fast. 1 piece of coal lats for 8 blocks of something
@cheatlikeachamp when and item is in the crafting bench press ctrl and right click and it will go into your inventory so you dont have to click and move all of them back like you did with the iron first time and use coal in furnaces
@cheatlikeachamp I suggest finding faction servers, I think their right for you with teams fighting each other and stealing their shit then wait for them to restart then steal it all over again
Use glass panes you get more you make it by puting glass in 3 by 2
Use coal in ur furnace
gawley, just a quick tip: if you (for example) found something in your chest which you want to be in your inventory just hold shift while clicking on the item with the left mouse button
hope i could help
just as a tip use coal instead of wood in the funace its much more efficiant